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Some of our children used some wild flowers to make the local equivalent of daisy chains to bind themselves together. (Before the schools closed or social distancing came into our lives.) |
I have been so sad to hear the news of what is happening in
the US and my own country. We seem to
have become barbarians. First the misery
of Brexit, with its racist undertones.
Then Coronavirus to stop people interacting and lose human contact. Maybe this is what has driven people
mad. Now riots based on the whole racist
debate and bringing up all sorts of recent and historical grudges. Do we all hate each other so much?
I come from London, which has been a cosmopolitan city right
back to Roman times. Throughout my
school days and my adult life I have been part of a multi-ethnic society, with
friends and work colleagues from all over the world. Yes, I know there have always been problems
of racism, but I have always believed that the more educated the person, the
less narrow-minded they are likely to be.
This is certainly true in my own family, where there is a massive class
and education gap between my father’s and my mother’s side of the family. For example, my paternal grandmother finished
school at 11 years old to help support her desperately poor family. I loved her dearly, but even as a small child
I was deeply shocked by some of her racist statements. My mother’s side of the family was
well-travelled, well-educated and used to other cultures and did not tend to
make that sort of judgement.
Tribalism and racism come from the same narrow mindset of
‘them’ and ‘us’. This is why I jointly
founded a primary school in South Sudan, a country with huge problems of tribalism,
extreme poverty and illiteracy. My
co-founders are all from the local Madi tribe, but are relatively
well-educated. They understand the
importance of bringing peace to the country and of development to combat
poverty. That is why they asked me to
help them start a school for the poorest and most marginalized children in the
local community.
At Cece Primary School we have children from fifteen different
tribes, some of which have a long history of enmity and genocide between them. When we hold parents meetings, we almost
always have tearful mothers from internally displaced tribes thanking us profusely
for accepting their children in our school even though they are from elsewhere
in the country and fled to Nimule to escape war.
Here is a short poem, written as a class exercise by some of
our pupils for African Child Day two years ago which seems very appropriate right now.
We are all one colour, give us love,
We are all one colour give us peace.
No more fighting, no more war,
No more tribalism.
Children of Africa,
The future of Africa.
Do – Not – Kill – Us!!
We are all one colour give us peace.
No more fighting, no more war,
No more tribalism.
Children of Africa,
The future of Africa.
Do – Not – Kill – Us!!
I think the whole world needs to learn from our children at
the moment. Otherwise humanity will destroy itself.
Below is a quote from Henri Nouwen, “Caring for the Whole
Person”. I seem to be reading a lot of
Nouwen at the moment!
One of the greatest
human spiritual tasks is to embrace all of humanity, to allow your heart to be
a marketplace of humanity, to allow your interior life to reflect the pains and
the joys of people not only from Africa and Ireland and Yugoslavia and Russia,
but also from people who lived in the fourteenth century and will live many
centuries forward. Somehow, if you
discover that your little life is part of the journey of humanity and that you
have the privilege to be part of that, your interior life shifts. You lose a lot of fear and something really
happens to you. Enormous joy can come
into your life. It can give you a strong
sense of solidarity with the human race, with the human condition. It is good to be human.